All quoted prices are recommended retail prices without any tax, freight and packing costs.
Minimum ordering value is net € 30.00

  • The Digidown Terminal enables you to upload the data from any common download tool and the drivers card directly and sends this data immediate automatically to your fleet manager, where it is most needed.


  • By download the driver card and tachograph data via Bluetooth and upload it to the office of the transport manager via mobile phones.
  • By intelligent interface units to the digital Tachograph for Telematics Host Systems.
  • Tachograph drive units for telematics systems work by working on software for remote downloading.



€ 649.00

T+M Digidown Terminal

A compact and universal T+M Digidown Terminal DLT-6050 for assessing and transmitting data of the drivers card and the previous downloaded data out of the digital tachograph stored in one of the standard download tools available in the market.


The read data is then send direct to a FTP server wherever the customer wants, whether it is the transport office or analysis service. There is a choice of connection (wired network, wireless network, or intern GPRS/G3.


The data of any driver card is immediately read once it is inserted in the card slot of the terminal. The goes once a download tool is connected to either of the interfaces USB or 9-pin serial socket.


Continue to read the comprehensive information available at Download.  



€ 2,821.00

Tachograph Generator for Telematics

This is a small and compact rig to drive a digital tachograph. All interface connections from the back of the tachograph are arranged conveniently at front of the device. All connections are clearly marked as to what they are. Unfortunately yet these are not shown in this particular image. This particular one is equipped with a DTCO1381 Rel. 4.0 antennas for DSRC and GNSS for data communication and GEO positioning via satellite.

An ideal tool to those that need proving facilities when compiling software programmes in the sense of Telematics Systems.

See further information under download.



€ 3,350.00

Multi Tachograph Generator for Telematics

This multi tachograph generator can drive as many as 4 digital tachographs, this particular one is equipped with a DTCO1381 Rel. 4.0 antennas for DSRC and GNSS for data communication and GEO positioning via satellite. All interface connections from the back of the tachograph are arranged in front just below the tachographs. In normal case the antennas are mounted at the vehicle windscreen.

This is an example of how this rig can be equipped. We can equip the unit just as you need it to be. Upon which we will provide you with our best possible and most suitable quotation.

A perfect tool for proving and testing software functions that is required when compiling programmes for telematics systems applications. Particularly, when taking account of facts such as tachograph firmware levels and manufactures differences that need to be considered.

See further information under download.



€ 158.00

DigidownT DLT-6023

The DigidownT is an intelligent communication interface between any Telematics Host System and digital tachograph.

The purpose of DigidownT is to download the tachograph files as and when requested by the Telematics Host, and also to upload these files to the Telematics Host.

DigidownT communicates serially at 9600 baud, with 8 data bits, no parity, and no flow control.

A DigidownT development kit is available too.



€ 86.50

Digidown USB Multi Adapter DLT-6025

The Multi Adapter DLT-6025 has cable connections, one for the serial front interface of the tachograph and the other cable goes to the D8 for the real time data collection. The USB port serves connecting a computer.

The DLT-6025 offers Telematics a piece of advantageous hardware to connect their computing device to a digital tachograph. It does not avoid having to write a programme for the required application in order to obtain the desired Data.



€ 380.00

Basis Box

€ 230.00

DigidownBlue DLT-6021

Send file data from the driver card and tachograph via:

  • DLT-6021 and mobile phone (Bluetooth) to any e-mail address worldwide - or
  • over the Base Box DLT-6021-001, connected to you office PC system, the file data is send automatically to the right PC on your storing premises as it comes as the device comes within reach.

The DLT-6021 is reading the data out of the VU and also autarkic (independently) the data out of the driver card. Internal batteries make it possible to simply insert the DC into the DLT-6021 and the data is transferred and stored in just 37 seconds.

The big advantage DLT-6021 is; one must not necessarily go back to base to upload its data. Any file data out of the tachograph or driver card, stored in the DLT-6021 can be sent from to base by simply pressing the Bluetooth button of DLT-6021.

All DLT-6021 are GEN1 and GEN2 compatible. They may be used for downloads out of any digital tachograph. 

See further information under download.



€ 208.00

DigidownCR 6022

The DLT-6022 reads and stores the data from the driver card. As soon as the data has been uploaded from the card in the DLT-6022, the data can be sent via suitable Bluetooth mobile phone to a PC in the transport office.

The data storage of driver cards may be as many 20, this being the maximum storing capacity of DLT-6022. There will be no extra cost other than what the ordinary e-mail charge in mobile phones is.

The big advantage of the DLT-6022 is; the driver must not necessarily go back to base to upload its card data. Any file data out of his driver card is stored in the DLT-6022 and sending it to base by using suitable mobile phone with Bluetooth function. Of course only providing this phone has been programmed to perform this operation.

When ordering it will be essentially to quote whether or not it will be used in connection with GEN1 or GEN2 type digital tachographs.

See further information under download.